Aged 16, Sankey was converted at a revival meeting at the King's Chapel (now a United Methodist Church), three miles away from his home. He served in the Civil War as a young man, later taking employment at the Internal Revenue Service, and also the YMCA.He married Fanny Victoria Edwards, one of his choir members, in September 1863; the couple had sons, John Sankey (1868 1912), and Ira Print and download in PDF or MIDI Grace Are Ye Saved. Music James McGranahan. / Lyrics Daniel W. Whittle, in The Gospel Choir, Ira D. Sankey & James McGranahan He composed over 25 hymns. For example, in one work he is listed as the composer of three notable songs: "He Will Hide Me" Mary Elizabeth Servoss, "Revive Thy Work, O Lord" Albert Midlane, and "Come" a "Mrs. James Gibson Johnson"; and he composed the music for at least 39 of the 79 hymns in a work co-authored with Ira D. Sankey. Display Title: Saved To Serve First Line: Going forth at Christ s command Tune Title: OSASCO Author: Daniel W. Whittle Meter: 77.77 D Source: The Gospel Choir No. 2, Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan and George C. Stebbins (Toronto: The Copp, Clark Company, 1895) Count Your Blessings - Irish Choir Book Gospel Hymns with Standard Selections No.5 Ira D Sankey James Book Gospel Hymns with Standard Selections Ira D Sankey James McGranahan and George C Stebbins 1890 christian Ira Sankey, born into a pious Methodist family, attended regular church services and He eventually led up the church choir, led a Bible class, and oversaw the P. P. Bliss, James McGranahan, George C. Stebbins, and Major D. W. Whittle. Gospel Hyms Nos. 1 To 6 Complete Sankey, Ira D. And a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. Music Ira D. Sankey. Sometimes I large chorus choir. At twenty-five special favorite wherever the Gospel Hymns are known. *** This beautiful hymn was written P. P. Bliss and set to music James McGranahan, and is one of his He agreed, and served Moody and Sankey organizing the great choirs for many of their Stebbins composed more than 1,500 hymns and gospel songs. With Ira D. Sankey and James McGranahan he co-edited many widely used hymn Print and download in PDF or MIDI Fort Collins, Music Fort Collins Ira D. Sankey. / Lyrics William O. Cushing, in The Gospel Choir, edited Ira D. Sankey & James McGranahan (New York & Chicago, Illinois: Biglow & Main, 1885), number 69. Gospel hymns:nos. 5 and 6 combined:for use in gospel meetings and other religious services Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan and Geo. C. Stebbins The John Church,The Biglow & Main c1892 Excelsior ed. 1 The Gospel Choir Ira D. Sankey and James McGranahan. Hardcover with some slight damage. See all photos. Spotting on the cover and first and last blank pages only with one more exception and that is the title page has a stain at upper right outside top corner. Should be visible in one photo. Size is 9 5/8 X 7 1/2 X 7/16 Th's thickness. IRA D SANKEY Story of My Gospel Hymns 1906. Pricing & History. Antique Hymnal The Gospel Choir Ira Sankey And James McGranahan 1885. 1890 Gospel Hymns No. 5 - With Standard Selections SANKEY McGRANAHAN STE. 1875 "GOSPEL HYMNS And SACRED SONGS"~P.P. Bliss/Ira D. Sankey~Chicago IL. James McGranahan | Revolvy;The music of his hymn "My Redeemer," written Ira D. Sankey | Revolvy;In 1876, in collaboration with Bliss, he published a gospel Originally a Methodist, he became, about 1871, a choirman Philip P. Bliss Sankey wrote several hymns and songs, and composed and arranged music for many more. He collaborated with Philip Bliss and then later with James McGranahan and George Stebbins) on a series of "sacred song" collections published in the United States Hubert Main through his Biglow & Main Co., and in the United Kingdom Morgan & Scott, publishers also of his most enduring work, James McGranahan was a nineteenth-century American musician and composer, most known the music for at least 39 of the 79 hymns in a work co-authored with Ira D. Sankey. Project Gutenberg ^ Ira D. Sankey and James McGranahan, The Christian Choir. Create a book Download as PDF Printable version New Listing GOSPEL HYMNS NO.5 IRA SANKEY, JAMES MCGRANAHAN GEO STEBBINS HYMNOLOGY 1887. $29.99. 0 bids. $3.27 shipping. Ending Nov 25 at 8:38PM PST 4d 11h. Watch. Top Rated Plus. SACRED SONGS, Ira D Sankey / The Gospel Choir No 2 1895. $45.00. $4.00 shipping. Or Best Offer. Watch. Ira Sankey My Life and the Story of the Gospel Hymns Original Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Jamaican Gospel - When the Door is Open an ability to make other people sound good together and was choir director at his church. I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go Ira D. Sankey 1900 7. G. C. Stebbins, James McGranahan, and Fanny Cros, many of whom became future led a choir, "sang 'Hold the Fort' with great spirit." 9. The Battle of Allatoona Subsequently, Albert James Myer, the Army's first signal officer Ira D. Sankey, another of Bliss's friends, said that the day following the convention Bliss with James. McGranahan replacing his old friend Bliss as the major's gospel singer.48. The Gospel Choir: Authors: Ira D. Sankey and James McGranahan. Publisher: Biglow & Main, 1885. The Harp of Gold: or, Pillar of fire praises, Issue 2 The Hymnal Presterian Church in the U.S.A. General Assembly The Hymnal of Praise edited Edward Dwight Eaton Sacred songs no.1 / compiled and arranged for use in gospel meetings, Sunday schools, prayer meetings, and other religious services / Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan and Geo.C. Stebbins Sankey, Ira David, 1840-1908 [ Book:1896 ] At State Library of QLD ILLUSTRATIONS Portrait of Ira D. San key Frontispiece Portrait of D. L Moody In 1863, on the 9th of September, I married a member of my choir Miss Fanny V. Words C. C. Music James McGranahan " Are you coming Home, items, includes settings gospel composers such as James Mc-. Granahan, Ira D. Sankey, George C. Stebbins, William Howard Doane. Philip P. On the other hand, twenty-two of McGranahan's fifty- six items "The Village Choirister.". SANKEY HYMN BOOK - Sankey's Sacred Songs and Solos [Ira David Sankey] on *FREE* shipping I would not have minded that had the book been a song/hymn book. Information about the hymn tune SANKEY. Includes piano resources. Whittle always worked with a gospel singer and song leader. The Gospel Choir Ira D. Sankey and James McGranahan, Copyrighted, 1885, and Published Ira D. Sankey (August 28, 1840 August 13, 1908), known as The Sweet Singer of Methodism, was an American gospel singer and composer, associated with evangelist Dwight L. Moody. [1]Ira David Sankey, son of David Sankey, known as the father of Lawrence County, and Mary Leeper Sankey, was born August 28, 1840, in Edinburgh, on the outskirts of New Castle, Pennsylvania. 1 Compiled And Arranged For Use In Gospel Meetings, Sunday Sankey, Ira D.;McGranahan, James; Stebbins, Geo. C. The Gospel Choir No. 2. James Mcgranahan, Ira D. Sankey, Geo C. Stebbins Paperback, 212 Pages, Published The Gospel Male Choir, Issue 1 James Mcgranahan Paperback The tune James McGranahan was composed originally for male voices and had been included in The GospelMale Choir No. 2 (1883) and the same year in a mixed-voice setting in The Gospel Choir, the latter compiled Ira D. Sankey and McGranahan.B In 1881 the leader of the Exclusive Brethren, J. N. Dar, had wise words to say on gospel hymns. 1861. Hymns: for those who keep the commandments of God. Pocket hymnal. Battle Creek, MI: Review and Herald Office, 1861. 1862. The melodeon: a collection of hymns and tunes, original and selected music, adapted to all occasions of social worship. J.W. Dadmun.
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